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HD130LDY-A hybrid 사출 성형기
기계 사양
설명 단위
주입 장치
샷 볼륨 cm3 128
샷 무게 g 122
샷 속도 mm/s 200
나사 직경 mm 32
사출압력 MPa 250
나사 L:D 비율 -- 21
클램핑 유닛
클램핑 력 kN 1300
오프닝 스트로크 mm 380
타이바 사이의 공간 mm x mm 420 x 420
금형 두께(min) mm 150
금형 두께(max) mm 450
유압 배출 스트로크 mm 130
유압 방출력 kN 45
전원 장치
펌프 모터 kW 49
난방능력 kW 7.5
오일탱크 용량 L 0
기계 차원

Platen Dimension

Q & A

What's the Meaning of IML?

IML (In Mould Labeling) is an automation solution of injection molding which is mostly in production of food containers especially the production of containers for dairy products. It's originated from USA and widely used now around the world. An IML system will include the injection molding machine, a mould, an IML robot and other auxiliary machinery. With this system, the robot will put the IML label into the mould to be injected as part of the IML container.

In an IML system, the importance of the injection molding machine, the mold, the IML robot, the label are the key to start a successful IML project. It's possible to start a successful IML project with a suitable injection molding machine, the qualified label, the well designed mold and the right IML robot system. It's very important to have the whole system well tested before delivery.

Since the first IML system put on market in 2009, SWITEK IML had been delivered to clients in more than 43 countries and regions with our largest overseas market in Russian and India. With years' experience of cooperating with the injection molding machine and IML mold makers in China, SWITEK is now the best turn-key IML solutions provider from China to provide you with a price smart turn-key IML Solutions.

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