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HD130LDY-B hybrid 사출 성형기
기계 사양
설명 단위
주입 장치
샷 볼륨 cm3 162
샷 무게 g 147
샷 속도 mm/s 200
나사 직경 mm 36
사출압력 MPa 203
나사 L:D 비율 -- 20.5
클램핑 유닛
클램핑 력 kN 1300
오프닝 스트로크 mm 380
타이바 사이의 공간 mm x mm 420 x 420
금형 두께(min) mm 150
금형 두께(max) mm 450
유압 배출 스트로크 mm 130
유압 방출력 kN 45
전원 장치
펌프 모터 kW 49
난방능력 kW 7.5
오일탱크 용량 L 0
기계 차원

Platen Dimension

Q & A

What's the advantage of a double arms robot top entry IML system for lids?

IML lids is now a business of billions of US dollar around the world especially as the package of dairy products. But as an easiest IML products to produce, IML lids is one of the most price sensitive products in the market. A smaller budget in facility investment and easier operating will no doubt help the IML lids producer to reduce their production and will be able to react faster to the market change.

iml lids solution

Top Entry 2 Cavities Lids IML Solution

For IML lids for small and medium size containers to be produced in injection molding machine around 350T, the cost of a double arms top entry IML system would be about one 2/3 against a side entry IML robot with similiar productivity. And since the robot is to be installed to the top of the injection molding machine, it'll occupy less floor space and maximize the the floor occupation of your working place. And as a top entry IML system it'll provide more flexibility to have the parts either dropped to the operator side or the non-operator side.

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