+86 186 5927 5869
Arge Robotik Showcase New IML Robot for Rectangular Bucket 2 Cavities
Abstract: Arge Robotik showcase their cutting edge high speed IML robot designed for the efficient production of rectangular 1.2 litter buckets with 2 cavities wrap labeling IML solutions.
Arge Robotik showcase their cutting edge high speed IML robot designed for the efficient production of rectangular 1.2 litter buckets with 2 cavities wrap labeling IML solutions.
The new rectangular IML bucket solution is suitable for the production of the package for snacks like biscuit, candy etc. Or lock-lock box etc. with a big potential of market. The new Arge IML Robot will provide the rectangular IML bucket producer an unparallelled speed, precision, and reliability. Sounds like an ideal IML Solution for the food package producers of the European countries.
For the IML package producers looking for a price smarter IML solutions, the SW8 Series side entry IML Robot would be a price smarter substitution to the Arge IML Robot. Based on the powerful supply chain in China, SWITEK SW8 Series side entry IML Robot can provide counter efficiency and precision but more than 45% price advantages against their European counter parts. It's an ideal choice for small and medium size IML package producers.
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